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Healing Mother Earths Sacred Sites - Southern Californias Fires
    24 октября 2007 (245 дней 9 часов назад)

    Healing Mother Earths Sacred Sites - Southern Californias Fires

    A message from a Sacred Holy Ones Spiritual Message: ...Blessings Be As Many Awaken to stop the fires, floods, earthquakes, tornados and other disasters coming across the lands! This message comes under learning what the Indigenous Nations Prophecies knowledge’s and wisdom’s have for healing all that is wrong with nature, healing the environments. This is a Wake-Up Call on the fires that are happening in Southern California and future disasters coming as follows mentioned in Prophecies. Healing Mother Earth’s Sacred Sites.

    Many in Big Bear, California and others have worked to heal their lands following Earth Wisdom ceremonies in November 2004. All will be safe in those areas where the ceremonies have taken place. These ceremonies began May 8th, 2004, the Grand Teton Medicine Wheel Ceremony healing the Super Yellowstone Volcanic energy in Yellowstone National Park. Next was the Big Bear Medicine Wheel Ceremony held November 15th, 2007 bringing water, snow, springs and rivers filling the lakes in the Southern California’s sacred site areas. This message is about healing the sacred sites and clearing the pain that Mother Earth has imprinted with, suffered with and endured for centuries. Many have done the work healing many sacred sites healing this pain. The Lands and sacred sites that are not cleared of the pain of the past, present will be purified by Mother Nature's Powers as we move into the future. Now she is reclaiming her power and taking things into her own hands. Remember the prophecies of the Indigenous Nations and please consider this peacefully as we all recognize this wake up call. !!

    This is to be taken very seriously...many blessings to those asleep to awaken now. The time to act immediately before the next fire, earthquake, tornado, flood, or volcanic action happens. Utilizing our Indigenous Nation’s Earth Wisdom in natures ceremonial ways of life fixing what is wrong with nature, (restoring balance to what is out of balance now in nature) I call out the Indigenous Nations, all nations to come into peace with one another and with all other nations of the Black, White, Yellow and Red Nations. The time is like no other time in the history of the Earth, that we would do this, mentioned in prophecies. Now is the time to change our ways and honor our Mother Earth with the Earth Wisdom that the Indigenous Nations have. I pray that many will awaken to this call: Many blessings to my fellow brothers and sisters, please awaken to: Remember to remember to begin the ceremonies and keep the Earth Healing ceremonies, Earth Dances alive as we move into the future as we are walking, while we are talking, speaking, in our actions in our everyday lives...This heals all that is...please consider the wisdom at hand, NOWâ€

    The great wake up call is happening
    ! Mother Earth is calling out, may Mother Awaken Her Children of the Earth with the disasters at hand for we are Now in the Last Days of the Fourth World as we begin our blessed journey towards the Fifth World Coming, 2011 and 2012, mentioned in the Mayan Tablets...All is in order by the great plan of the Great Spirit and Mother Earth, now is the time for peace, honor, trust, respect and integrity...For love, peace and harmony. Those of kindness and love for our Mother will inherit Mother Earth in the Fifth coming of the World's next stages of Development in Peace...Ahoâ€BlueThunder, Eastern Shoshone Nation, Wyoming (307) 857-6856 or (307) 851-6249.



    For those in Southern California, Remember the Grand Teton Medicine Wheel held on May 8th, 2004 and the Big Bear Medicine Wheel Ceremony held on November 15th, 2004. Please open these website pages for more information, on healing the environments, thank youâ€



    Thank you all for considering to opening these web pages on the Internet and reading this Earth Wisdom...Aho...BlueThunder

    The Sacred Messageâ€

    As the belly of the Beast rips open, the flames of fire reach far and wide. DO YOU HEAR THE CRIES OF PAIN OF YOUR ANCESTORS? The rage is released the anger fuels the flames. Grandfather brings the winds that whip to the beat of the drum; your heartbeat, the heartbeat of your Mother Earth, DO YOU HEAR OUR CALL??? !
    !! May you understand we do not intend to frighten you, but to awaken the souls that are asleep? You are protected. Continue to work. Continue to drum to hear our call and help us to awaken those who walk in silence. The trees will surround and protect you. Continue the work. Grandfather hears you and will answer your call. You will walk the walk so others can see who you are. You hear our call and answer us in your prayers and work to continue. Awaken my Brothers and Sisters! Mother Earth is Calling! ...Awaken from a deep sleep! This is the time of Peace! Honor each other for each other’s medicine...what works for one does not work for another, Awaken! Drop that which does not serve peace for the heart...Heal, Heal, Heal...Mother Earth, Father Creator, is Waiting!...We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting Forâ€

    Bennie BlueThunder LeBeau, Sr., Eastern Shoshone Nation, Wind River Indian Reservation, Fort Washakie, Wyoming, October 24th, 2007

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